
Ningbo Beilun Haojun Mould Plastic Co., Ltd. was established in 2000 in Dongguan, Guangdong. The company provides you with product design, two-color molds, precision manufacturing and plastic product injection molding. Due to business development needs to enter Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone in 2005.


Now, while maintaining the original customers, we provide two-color plastic molds and precision mold manufacturing for high-end customers in China, Japan, Europe and the United States.


The company's main processing equipment includes 4 Taiwan processing centers, 6 computer spark machines, 4 two-color injection molding machines, 8 injection molding machines below 2000 grams, and more than 60 engineers and technicians.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 连南| 临漳县| 斗六市| 莱阳市| 普兰县| 五家渠市| 靖州| 建水县| 吉安县| 西贡区| 咸丰县| 沭阳县| 福海县| 如皋市| 新郑市| 泸水县| 林西县| 霍山县| 梧州市| 乐山市| 称多县| SHOW| 徐水县| 石林| 大港区| 高雄市| 裕民县| 会宁县| 吴旗县| 禹州市| 明水县| 广灵县| 彭阳县| 合江县| 安庆市| 同心县| 睢宁县| 开江县| 兴城市| 随州市| 观塘区|